Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 160: Lindsay at the Shack

Before my sister Lindsay had to leave for work I asked her to do a quick pose. She's so pretty. I do love both of my sisters.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 159: Lunar Eclipse

Okay, I know... I'm really late with this and my excuse is that I've been in a period of transitioning cities/homes/lives and finally have found the energy to get back to this thing called "blogging". Good news is that I am back! New Year means new adventures!

I've seen a lot of people post their photos of the lunar eclipse that occurred on the winter solstice and they are great and while I did take a lot of photos of the moon that night, this one turned out to be my favorite because of the moon and the stars. I'm just hoping the interwebs don't screw up the black too much (That always seems to be a problem).

Click photo to view larger. :)

Day 158: Christmas Snow

This is the second Christmas in a row that my family in Arlington has seen snow. It was nice. I am a firm believer that cold weather is legitimate if there is proof of it - i.e. SNOW.